Monthly Archives: April 2021

Are we truly Inclusive?

From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

Zoom preaching last Sunday!

Dear Friends,

I am still in self-isolation but am looking forward to getting out and about again next Tuesday.  I shall again be preaching via Zoom this Sunday and Mark will be leading the service from the church.

This week the first reading from Acts tells the story of Philip baptising the Ethiopian eunuch.  He was the first non-Jew to be baptised and was a first on a number of levels.  I shall be looking at how this passage challenges us on the issue of inclusion!

We will again have a Holy Communion memorial this Sunday, but not a consecrated Eucharist, as there is little point in pre-consecrating the elements when people are receiving virtually at home!

Use this link to join this Sunday at 10 a.m.
Meeting ID: 548 801 501

Our scripture readings for the Fifth Sunday of Easter will be Acts 8:26-40, 1 John 4:7-21, and John 15:1-8, and we will be singing the hymns All People that on Earth do Dwell, Called as partners in Christ’s service, Let Your Living Water Flow, and Great is Thy Faithfulness! The liturgy can be downloaded here!

Although we can’t be together in person, we still share the good news that Christ is risen and that God’s love for us, and the world, never ends!

Unfortunately, due to technical problems last week’s service was not recorded – but join us live this week at 10 a.m. or watch the hopefully successful recording this week!

YCF Vacation – Postponed

Last Saturday I head that the Youth Charity Foundation had reluctantly made the decision to postpone their vacation due to the Covid situation.  Obviously the children are very upset by this unavoidable decision.

They hope to reschedule for the October break if the conditions allow.  All money donated will be held until then.

People to Pray for

Please continue to pray for Bill and Warren who are experiencing health problems, and give thanks for Helga who came through her lazer eye operation last Sunday with excellent results.  She says she is now able to see out of both eyes for the first time in a year.

Also, please pray for those older people in our congregation who are feeling shut-in and isolated as they stay home because of the increase in Covid-19 in Chiang Mai.

Weekly Offering to All Saints

You can still donate online.  Thank you for your support and love for All Saints and all we are trying to do together.  God has shown that he is mighty and we are in his hands!

He is Risen!  Hallelujah!

God bless,

Father Iain

Good Shepherd!

From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

Mark on Zoom last Sunday

Dear Friends,

I am back in Chiang Mai, and our worship continues on Zoom at 10 a.m. on Sunday.  I am required to self-isolate for two weeks as I visited Phuket and so I shall be preaching from home while Mark will lead from the church.

The theme of this week’s service is Jesus the Good Shepherd.  It is a blessing to know that wherever we are, and whether we can gather together in person or not, God is with us and cares for us as a good shepherd cares for his sheep!

 We will have a Holy Communion memorial this Sunday, but not a consecrated Eucharist, as there is little point in pre-consecrating the elements when people are receiving virtually at home!

Use this link to join this Sunday!
Meeting ID: 548 801 501

Our scripture readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter will be Acts 4:5-12, 1 John 3:16-24, and John 10:11-18, and we will be singing the hymns Christ the Lord is Risen Today,  The Lord’s My Shepherd, The Lord’s My Shepherd / I will trust in You, and The King of Love my Shepherd Is!

Although we can’t be together in person, we still share the good news that Christ is risen and that God’s love for us, and the world, never ends!

Last week’s Zoom service can be seen here!

He is Risen!

YCF Vacation – Still time to give!

Each year the Youth Charity Foundation takes most of the children away on vacation.  This year they will be going to the Cha’Am Christian Mission Home.  It will be a great break for them by the sea.

Each child needs about THB 5,000 to cover the cost of the trip.  They will be away for eight nights.

Budget for one person
1. Food 80 baht x 27 meals = 2160 baht
2. Accommodation 130 baht  x 8 nights = 1040 baht
3. Travel = 500 baht
4. Health insurance = 500 baht 
5. Snack and pocket money = 300 baht
6. Other = 500 baht.

Total = 5000 baht.

Some have already given, but if you could sponsor a child, please contact me or our new treasurer, Arthur Mann.  So far we have raised about THB 25,000. 

The trip will be from 1st – 8th May.

Wednesday Lunch

 No lunch until further notice – everyone is away and Covid is on the rise!  We will probably recommence in May!

Weekly Offering to All Saints

You can still donate online.  Thank you for your support and love for All Saints and all we are trying to do together.  God has shown that he is mighty and we are in his hands!

He is Risen!  Hallelujah!

God bless,

Father Iain

Christ is Risen!

From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

Mark preaching last Sunday!

Dear Friends,

With Covid-19 cases on the rise in Chiang Mai, we have now made the decision to temporarily suspend face-to-face worship.   This week’s service will be at the usual time of 10 a.m. but will be on Zoom only!

Email for the Zoom link.

Although we can’t be together in person, we still share the good news that Christ is risen and that God’s love for us, and the world, never ends!

Our Congregational Pastor, Rev. Mark Crawford, will again be preaching and leading our worship this Sunday. God willing, I will be back in some form the following Sunday!

Our Easter Sunday Service can be seen here! and highlights of last week’s service can be seen here!

He is Risen!

Our scripture readings for the Third Sunday of Easter will be Acts 3:12-19, 1 John 3:1-7, and Luke 24:36-48.

YCF Vacation – Still time to give!

Each year the Youth Charity Foundation takes most of the children away on vacation.  This year they will be going to the Cha’Am Christian Mission Home.  It will be a great break for them by the sea.

Each child needs about THB 5,000 to cover the cost of the trip.  They will be away for eight nights.

Budget for one person
1. Food 80 baht x 27 meals = 2160 baht
2. Accommodation 130 baht  x 8 nights = 1040 baht
3. Travel = 500 baht
4. Health insurance = 500 baht 
5. Snack and pocket money = 300 baht
6. Other = 500 baht.

Total = 5000 baht.

Some have already given, but if you could sponsor a child, please contact me or our new treasurer, Arthur Mann.  So far we have raised about THB 20,000. 

The trip will be from 1st – 8th May.

Wednesday Lunch

No lunch until further notice – everyone is away and Covid is on the rise!  We will probably recommence in May!

Weekly Offering to All Saints

You can still donate online.  Thank you for your support and love for All Saints and all we are trying to do together.  God has shown that he is mighty and we are in his hands!

He is Risen!  Hallelujah!

God bless,

Father Iain

Best Easter Ever!

From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

Easter Celebration!

Dear Friends,

In some ways, I just celebrated my best Easter ever!  It was full of the joy of the resurrection and the promise of new life, in the forgiveness and love we have in Jesus. I was so blessed by the support, love, and encouragement offered by the wonderful people of All Saints.

Good Friday Sermon

It was the best Easter because it was the hardest Good Friday.  As you know, I was to be ordained to the episcopate on Saturday, and Mark was to be ordained to the priesthood.  Both of us, for similar reasons, felt it was not the right time, and on Thursday morning decided our ordinations would not go ahead as planned.

I had not really been aware of the level of unhappiness and misunderstanding of my plan to be ordained as a bishop for All Saints.  On the Wednesday of Holy Week this became more apparent, and for the good of the congregation I felt I had to withdraw my plan at this time.  Whether it will re-emerge in the future is in the hands of God’s people here at All Saints.

My chief concern was not the fact that I was not to be ordained, but the damage that might have been done to the church.  Related matters, rather than the ordination itself, had caused great upset to some people in the congregation, and I was aware of several people who, in different ways, felt deeply wounded.

But through the grace of God, I believe events surrounding our Good Friday service were a source of healing and reconciliation.  I preached from the heart and God was working!

My Good Friday sermon can be seen here!

He is Risen!

By Easter Sunday it was clear that healing had been given, we were together as God’s people.  Where mistakes had been made, or misunderstandings arisen, God’s love and forgiveness had brought healing!  He is risen and our Christian hope is not in vain!

I believe we have been mightily blessed by our mighty God.  Spiritual attack is a real thing, and we have been subject to attack, but Christ has won the victory!  We are together as God’s people.

Our wonderful Easter Sunday Service can be seen here!

He is Risen!

Our Congregational Pastor, Rev. Mark Crawford, will be preaching and leading our worship this Sunday! Our scripture readings for the Second Sunday of Easter will be Acts 4:32-35, 1 John 1:1-2:2, and John 20:19-31, and we will be singing the hymns Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, The Day of Resurrection, Hail the Day, and All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name!

Easter Events

On Easter Sunday, Archbishop Ronald Langham preached, and our singing was led by Team Two of the All Saints Choristers.  It was a wonderful time of celebration with thirty-nine people present altogether.

Our Wonderful Choir

Bryon giving the First Reading

The gathered clergy

Hannah (and Jack) give the Second Reading

Bishop Ron reads the Gospel

Helga leads our Prayers of Intercession

Consuming the Elements

This was followed by a potluck at the MCC Office compound.  Thanks to Rebecca, Blaine, Arthur, and Phyllis, for organising all this!

Kids at the Potluck

Enjoying the Food!

YCF Vacation – Still time to give!

Each year the Youth Charity Foundation takes most of the children away on vacation.  This year they will be going to the Cha’Am Christian Mission Home.  It will be a great break for them by the sea.

Each child needs about THB 5,000 to cover the cost of the trip.  They will be away for eight nights.

Budget for one person
1. Food 80 baht x 27 meals = 2160 baht
2. Accommodation 130 baht  x 8 nights = 1040 baht
3. Travel = 500 baht
4. Health insurance = 500 baht 
5. Snack and pocket money = 300 baht
6. Other = 500 baht.

Total = 5000 baht.

Some have already given, but if you could sponsor a child, please contact me or our new treasurer, Arthur Mann.

The trip will be from 1st – 8th May.

Wednesday Lunch

 No lunch until further notice – everyone is away!  We will probably recommence in May!

Weekly Offering to All Saints

You can still donate online, or place your money in the basket during the service.

Thank you for your support and love for All Saints and all we are trying to do together.  God has shown that he is mighty and we are in his hands!

He is Risen!  Hallelujah!

God bless,

Father Iain