Monthly Archives: October 2013

Potluck Delayed!

From Ken Chase for All Saints Chiang Mai

Dear Friends,

William and Tarntip will be in Bangkok until Sunday 10th November, so our after-church Potluck is delayed until then! Meanwhile, a group of us enjoyed a meal at Nine@Niman last night.  For the last two weeks some of us have also shared Sunday lunch at a Thai restaurant further up Pa Ton Road, and we may do this again this week!

I’d like to give advanced notice of Remembrance Day. The Royal British Legion will be hosting a Remembrance Day Ceremony on Monday 11th November in The Chiang Mai Foreign Cemetery, beginning at 10:30am.  A group of us from All Saints plan to be there.  More details to follow later!

This weeks readings are from Sirach 35:12-17, 2 Tim 4:6-8,16-18, and Luke 18:9-14. You won’t find Sirach in most Bibles, as it’s part of the Old Testament Apocrypha, but it addresses this week’s theme of giving to God, and there is much we can learn from this passage.  This Sunday we will be singing the hymns Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee, O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Let us Break Bread Together, and Love Divine.

After the service we will share coffee and a bite to eat at the house, and then those who are interested will have lunch together at a local restaurant.  Directions can be found on the Where and When page.

Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others.  All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshiping with us,

God bless,


Worship on Sunday!

From Ken Chase for All Saints Chiang Mai


Dear Friends,

We had another good turn out last Sunday, and it was great to again see new faces.

We will be having a potluck following worship on Sunday 27th October.  Tarntip has promised to bring some Indian curry, and all are welcome to bring their culinary delights, and share the food!

This weeks readings are from Genesis 32:22-31, 2 Tim 3:14-4:5, and Luke 18:1-8 and we will be singing the hymns Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Deep in the Shadows of the Past, For the Bread which You have Broken, and Christ is made the Sure Foundation.

There will be tea and coffee following this week’s service and then some of us will again have lunch at the beautiful Thai restaurant further up Pa Ton Road.

Directions to 18 Pa Ton Road, where we meet to worship, can be found on the Where and When page of the All Saints website.

Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others.

All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshiping with us,

God bless,


Worship This Week!

From Ken Chase for All Saints Chiang Mai


Dear Friends,

I hope you will be able to join us as we worship God this Sunday.

We have produced a new flyer about All Saints, Chiang Mai.  If you have somewhere that you could post one, or if you would like a few to pass on, please see Iain.

This weeks readings are from 2 Kings 5, 2 Tim 2:8-15, and Luke 17:11-19 and we will be singing the hymns All Creatures of Our God and King, Let Us Build a House, Jesu, Jesu, Fill us with Your Love, and Let All the World in Every Corner Sing.

After the service we will share coffee and a bite to eat at the house.  Directions can be found on the Where and When page.

Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others.  All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshiping with us,

God bless,
