Monthly Archives: September 2019


From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

UK Supreme Court president Lady Hale

Dear Friends,

On Tuesday the UK Supreme Court delivered a landmark ruling.  In a unanimous verdict the justices agreed that British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, had acted unlawfully in suspending parliament!  The ruling was read out by the Supreme Court president, Lady Hale.

Is this what God’s judgement will be like – a court of law where God delivers his verdict from a big chair?  Is this what judgement even means, or is justice a better translation?  Are we awaiting the Last Judgement or final justice?  And are we to be punished for our bad deeds in this life?  Find out this week at All Saints, Chiang Mai!

Our scripture readings for this Sunday will be from Amos 6:1a, 4-7, 1 Timothy 6:6-19, and Luke 16:19-31, and we will be singing the hymns The God of Abraham Praise, Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, All to Jesus I surrender, and All My Hope on God Is Founded!  The readings can be found via this link and past services and sermons can be viewed via the All Saints audio-visual page!

Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others.  All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshipping with us,

God bless,


Spending Money!

From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

The beautiful English seaside resort of Scarborough

Dear Friends,

Jesus said the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, but for me it is probably the love of property!  I love architecture, houses, churches, grand public buildings, and I need to be wise about how I spend my money.  Right now, I am considering selling my house in Manchester and buying an apartment overlooking the sea in Scarborough.  It is part of a Georgian terrace built around 1840 and is Grade II* listed!  It is very tempting – but is it wise?


Jesus actually had a lot to say about money and how we use it, and in this week’s Gospel reading we read the parable of the Dishonest Steward.  The man is fiddling the books and his master finds out, but before he can be sacked he quickly writes off the debts of a number of his master’s creditors.  Jesus then says the astonishing statement: Make friends for yourselves by means of dishonest wealth so that when it is gone, they may welcome you into the eternal homes.

Perhaps Jesus is calling all earthly wealth dishonest, for how else can we understand this?  But the challenge is clearly to use wisely all that we have.  We will find out more this Sunday!

Our scripture readings for this Sunday will be from Amos 8:4-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, and Luke 16:1-13, and we will be singing the hymns All People that on Earth do Dwell, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Take My Life and Let it Be, and Christ Be Our Light!  The readings can be found via this link and past services and sermons can be viewed via the All Saints audio-visual page!

New Treasurer

We are delighted to welcome Don Williams as our new treasurer.  Thanks to Bill Moeller and Chris Tananone who have been sorting out the money for the last few months.  They will both continue to assist Don in his new role!

Supporting the work of All Saints

This week’s Gospel reading seems highly appropriate when thinking about our giving to God’s work!

All Saints Chiang Mai Mission is a UK charity set up to support the work of All Saints, Chiang Mai.  After much hard work ASCMM now has a bank account which means that UK taxpayers can give through the charity and we can reclaim any income tax they have paid.

The account details are as follows:

Bank:                            Coop Bank
Account Name:         All Saints Chiang Mai Mission
Account Number:    65877142
Sort Code:                  08-92-99

If you would like to know more please speak to me or send an email to

Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others.  All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshipping with us,

God bless,


Feeling Sheepish?

From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

We all like sheep have gone astray!

Dear Friends,

Sheep are famous for being stupid!  They are very cute – but not the brightest of beasts.  I remember many years ago I was at a celebration of Assumption Day with some Turkish Syriac Christians way up in the mountains neat Antakya (Antioch).  Two sheep had been brought to be barbecued – one was strung up and its throat was cut, but the other stood alongside munching grass as if nothing had occurred and it wasn’t in the least bit worried!

Sheep eat, and grow, and sleep, but don’t seem to worried about the future.  I suppose as prey animals if they did worry then there would be no end to their worry!  Last night, despite my increased garden defences, two street dogs again got into my garden.  But when I found the rabbits in the hiding place they didn’t seem overly perturbed.  They too seem very relaxed about the future – although they run faster than sheep!

The bible often compares God’s people to sheep – it is not a very complimentary description.  Sheep get lost, go astray, and make some of the worst decisions.  We often do all of those things.  But the Bible also describes God as the shepherd and Jesus as the Good Shepherd who cares and searches for his sheep – who is even prepared to die for his sheep!

When I went out to do battle with the wild street dogs last night – armed only with an old broom – I wasn’t ready to lay down my life for my rabbits, and I was glad when the dogs scrambled back over the wall!  But God is prepared to give all for us – and that is the good news of the Gospel!

Our scripture readings for this Sunday will be from Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28, 1 Timothy 1:12-17, and Luke 15:1-10, and we will be singing the hymns The King of Love My Shepherd Is, O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go, Amazing Grace, and The Lord’s My Shepherd.

The readings can be found via this link and past services and sermons can be viewed via the All Saints audio-visual page!

All Saints Chiang Mai Mission

All Saints Chiang Mai Mission is a UK charity set up to support the work of All Saints, Chiang Mai.  After much hard work ASCMM now has a bank account which means that UK taxpayers can give through the charity and we can reclaim any income tax they have paid.  If you would like to know more please speak to me or send an email to

Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others.  All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshipping with us,

God bless,


Choose Life!

From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

All Saints last Sunday!

Dear Friends,

Being free is all about the ability to make choices – that’s the joy of being alive!  In our Old Testament reading, Moses urges the Israelites to choose to follow God.  He says:  Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and holding fast to him.

Jesus, too, asks us to make a choice and make sure that we count the cost of being his disciple.  It may not always be an easy choice, but this is the decision that is put before us.  Let us way up the cost as we worship together this Sunday.

Our scripture readings for this Sunday will be from Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Philemon 1-7, and Luke 14:25-33, and we will be singing the hymns When Morning Gilds the Skies, I have decided to follow Jesus, I the Lord of Sea and Sky, and Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah!

The readings can be found via this link and past services and sermons can be viewed via the All Saints audio-visual page!


Be Still – in the presence of the Lord

Be still and know that I am God…

November and December will be busy months at All Saints.  September and October will be quieter with no big special events or services!  Let us take time to spend time with one another, and with God, for God is not always found in the earthquake, wind, or fire, but in that still small voice!

We are not called to strive but to worship and gather together – rejoicing in God and loving one another!


Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others.  All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshipping with us,

God bless,
