Monthly Archives: November 2013

Sunday’s Offering!

From Rev Iain Baxter, All Saints Chiang Mai

Dear Friends,

I am writing to remind you that this Sunday’s offering will be given to support those who have suffered in the terrible situation in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan.  You may have already given, but if not, this gives us an opportunity, as a church, to give to those in need and to show solidarity with those who are suffering.

Please think prayerfully about what you would like to give this Sunday.

Hope to see you soon,

God bless,


Year’s End!

From Ken Chase for All Saints Chiang Mai

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday we had the pleasure of using our new matching chairs, and this Sunday is the last Sunday of the church year!  Loy Krathong is finished and Americans among us will celebrate Thanksgiving next Thursday.  Advent begins the following week.  After church on Sunday, we will have a meeting to discuss arrangements for worship over the Christmas season – Iain will be away on Sundays 22nd and 29th December.

Time is passing quickly, but it is great to see the congregation growing slowly and steadily.

This week’s readings are: Jeremiah 23:1-6, Colossians 1:11-20, and Luke 23:33-43, and we will be singing the hymns All Creatures of Our God and KingChrist whose Glory fills the SkiesTake My life, and Christ is Made the Sure Foundation.  After the service we will share coffee and biscuits at the house and maybe go for lunch at the Thai restaurant further up Pa Ton Road.

God bless,


Lots Coming Up!

From Ken Chase for All Saints Chiang Mai


Dear Friends,

Fullscreen capture 10112013 144339We had a great day last Saturday at the JJ Market Garden Fair.  Although we didn’t sell any Christmas cards at all, we had a good opportunity to meet new people and we gave away five bibles.  Thanks to Joel, Lindy, Darryl, William, Tarntip and Haley, for helping make this a success!  On Sunday, fourteen people attended worship, and we then enjoyed an excellent potluck lunch together – Tarntip’s curry was particularly appreciated.  We gathered afterwards for a group photo next to the new All Saints banner.  This should help people to find us.  Finally on Monday six of us went down to the Foreign Cemetery for the annual Remembrance Day Service organised by the Royal British Legion.

This week we have two events coming up: Firstly, everyone is invited to come to 18 Pa Tan Road on Friday night at 6pm to watch the Loi Krathong celebrations on the river.  We’re not sure exactly what will be happening this far up, but we are assured it should be fun to watch.  Then on Sunday we have our usual morning Eucharist at 11am, to which all are, of course, welcome!

This week’s scripture readings are: Malachi 4:1-2a, 2.Thessalonians 3:6-13, and Luke 21:5-19 , and we will be singing the hymns Holy, Holy, HolyLet All the World in Every Corner SingLet Us Build a House, and Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.  Audio of last week’s sermon, and video from All Saints’ Day, can be found here on the Audio-Visual page of the website.

God bless,


A Busy Weekend!

From Ken Chase for All Saints Chiang Mai

Our new banner that we will be displaying on Saturday!

Dear Friends,

We have lots happening this weekend at All Saints.

Firstly, this Saturday All Saints will have a stall at the JJ Market Garden Fair.  JJ Market is close to Tesco Lotus, just off the Superhighway. This is a great annual community event in aid of Lanna Care Net, the Royal British Legion, and other charities.  We will be there from 10am to 4pm and will have Bibles and other books for people to take away, and Christmas cards for sale.  This will be a good opportunity for people to hear about All Saints and for us to meet other expats. Thanks for all the people who have volunteered to staff the stall!

Then on Sunday, William and Tarntip  will be back, and we will have our delayed potluck meal following the service!  Please bring delicious food to share! Christmas cards will also be on sale!

Finally, we plan to attend the Remembrance Day Ceremony held at the Foreign Cemetery on Monday 11th November.  This is organised by the Royal British Legion to commemorate all those who died in the two World Wars and subsequently.  We will meet at the cemetery at 10:30am.  (If you continue down the east bank of the river, past Duke’s, Rimping supermarket, and an army base, you will eventually see the Foreign Cemetery on your left.)

This week’s readings are taken from Job 19:23-27, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5,13-17, and Luke 20:27-38, and we will be singing the hymns All People that on Earth do DwellThere is a DayThe Lord’s My Shepherd, and Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken.

After the service we will have our potluck!  Directions can be found on the Where and When page.


God bless,


Lots Coming Up!

From Ken Chase for All Saints Chiang Mai

Dear Friends,

We have a busy couple of weeks ahead at All Saints.

Firstly, November 1st is All Saints’ Day, and our liturgy on Sunday will be focusing on our patronal festival !

Then we have three special events next weekend.

Firstly, on Saturday 9th November, All Saints will have a stall at the JJ Market Garden Fair.  This is a great annual community event in aid of Lanna Care Net, the Royal British Legion, and other charities.  We will be there from 10am to 4pm and will have Bibles and other books for people to take away.  This will be a great opportunity for people to hear about All Saints and for us to meet other expats. Volunteers needed to staff the table!

The following day, Sunday 10th November, William and Tarntip  will be back, and we will have our delayed potluck meal following the service!  Please bring delicious food to share!

Finally, we plan to attend the Remembrance Day Ceremony held at the Foreign Cemetery on 11th November.  This is organised by the Royal British Legion to commemorate all those who died in the two World Wars and subsequently.  We will meet at the cemetery at 10:30am.  (If you continue down the east bank of the river, past Duke’s, Rimping supermarket, and an army base, you will eventually see the Foreign Cemetery on your left.)

This week’s readings are the passages for All Saints’ Day: Daniel 7:1-3,15-18, Ephesians 1:11-23, and Luke 6:20-31, and we will be singing the hymns For All the SaintsSing with All the Saints in GloryFor the Bread which You have Broken, and O When the Saints Go Marching In!

After the service we will share coffee and biscuits at the house and go for lunch at the Thai restaurant further up Pa Ton Road. Directions can be found on the Where and When page.

Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others. All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshiping with us,

God bless,
