Monthly Archives: October 2014


From Rev Iain Baxter, All Saints Chiang Mai

Remembrance Sunday: 9th November!

Dear Friends,

The Christian faith is all about life – Jesus said “I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.”  [John 10:10]  But, there is also a time to remember those who have died.  This week we  will be looking at Jesus’ command to love our neighbour, but the following week, on 2nd November, we will celebrate All Saints’ Day.  A pot-luck will follow our service!  It is also All Souls’ Day when we remember all who have died.  The following week is Remembrance Sunday when we remember those who have died in war.

Remembrance Sunday is celebrated throughout the British Commonwealth and around the world.   November 11th is Remembrance Day commemorating the Armistice which ended the First World War on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.  Now we remember the victims of all wars, especially those who gave their lives in service.  Currently the world is riven with armed conflict, particularly in the Middle East, and some soldiers are now having to put their lives on the line to fight the disease of ebola.  On Remembrance Sunday, All Saints will have a special service where we remember those who have died through warfare and pray for a more peaceful world in the future. Hopefully we will be able to welcome some from outside the church who would like to mark the day with us.

This Sunday our readings are taken from Deuteronomy 34:1-12, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, and Matthew 22:34-46, and we will be singing the hymns Jesus shall reign where’er the Sun, Lord What a Cloud of Witnesses, When I needed a Neighbour, and Let us Build a House.  You can find the readings via this link.  Our sermon will be reflecting on how we can be neighbours to the people around us in Chiang Mai.

Video of last Sunday’s service, and video and audio of our major services can be found on the Audio-Visual page of the All Saints website and as always, directions can be found on the Where and When page.

Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others.  All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshiping with us,

God bless,


Oh When the Saints!

From Rev Iain Baxter, All Saints Chiang Mai

Praise him on the Trumpet!

Dear Friends,

Plans are developing for our All Saints’ Day celebration on 2nd November: as well as a delicious pot-luck, we will have also have a musical feast.  We are gaining a very talented congregation, and on our Patronal Festival the worship will be led by a brass quintet composed of members of the church!  As we sing For All the Saintsand O When the Saints come Marching In, we’ll be able to raise the roof as we praise God on the trumpet!

Then the next event on our church calendar is the City Life Garden Fair at JJ Market on 22nd November.   All Saints will have a stall, and we need volunteers to be there any time between 10am and 5pm.  This is a great way to get our name out in Chiang Mai and all proceeds of the fair are for charity.

All Saints’ Day is Coming!

From Rev Iain Baxter, All Saints Chiang Mai

For All the Saints!

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday we said goodbye to Jacob and Kelly who are off to Afghanistan.  Our thoughts and prayers go with them.  We also welcomed two new people to church!  Meanwhile, our Sunday morning Eucharist and Wednesday evening bible study continue, and there will be a sign-up sheet for the All Saints stall at the City Life Garden Fair on 22nd November available this Sunday.

Also, All Saints’ Day is nearly upon us.  1st November is celebrated as All Saints’ Day throughout the world, and we have a special service on Sunday 2nd November followed by a pot-luck lunch.  We will also have a brief church meeting before eating.

This Sunday our readings are taken from Exodus 32:1-14, Philippians 4:1-9, and Matthew 22:1-14, and we will be singing the hymns Christ Whose Glory Fills The SkiesAll for JesusBreak Thou the Bread of Life, and In Christ Alone.  You can find the readings via this link.    Our sermon will be asking the question: What do you worship?

Most people get to hear about us via the internet or by word of mouth, so please feel free to pass on this email to others.   All are welcome to join us as we share the presence of the risen Jesus in our lives!  We hope to see you soon and that you will enjoy worshiping with us,

God bless,
