Be Still!

From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

Jesus calms the Storm

(My church email is not working!  Please use to contact me!)

Dear Friends,

In this week’s Gospel passage Jesus and the disciples are caught in a terrible storm on the Sea of Galilee.  Jesus was asleep but the disciples were terrified that the boat would sink.  They awoke him and he rebuked the wind returning peace to the sea.

Jesus may no longer be in the weather-intervention business, but he can and will restore peace in our lives if we let him!

The readings for this Sunday will be from 1 Samuel 17, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, and Mark 4:35-41, and we will be singing the hymns Praise to the Lord, the Almighty; Christ is the World’s Light; Lord, I lift your name on high; and When in our Music God is Glorified!

Use this link to join on Zoom on Sunday at 10:30 a.m.Meeting ID: 548 801 501

Video of Last Sunday’s Service!

Video of last Sunday’s service is now available on the All Saints YouTube channel!

Tuesday at Duke’s

You are invited to join us at Duke’s Ruamchok every Tuesday at 6 p.m.  This weekly gathering will be instead of Chili Night.

Chili Night – No Chili Night until 16th July

Chili Night

No Chili Night this week!  It will return on Tuesday 16th July!  Why not join us at Duke’s Ruamchok in the meantime?

Weekly Offering to All Saints

You can still donate in person or online.  Thank you for your support and love for All Saints and all we are trying to do together.  God has shown that he is mighty and we are in his hands!

God bless you,

Father Iain

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