Law Breaker?

From Father Iain, All Saints Chiang Mai

Jesus heals a withered hand

(My church email is not working!  Please use to contact me!)

Dear Friends,

This week’s Gospel reading includes the story of Jesus healing a man’s withered hand, but why is it there?  Surprisingly, it’s not primarily there to tell us of God’s compassion, or Jesus’ power to heal, it’s there to tell us that Jesus is above the law!!!

How do we know this?  The clue is in the context, as it follows on immediately from the Pharisees criticizing Jesus’ disciples for plucking some corn on the sabbath, and the passage concludes with the Pharisees looking for a way to destroy him because he healed on the sabbath.

From time to time, headlines in right-wing newspapers will proclaim their outrage that Muslims think God’s law is more important than the law of the land.  A recent example occurred in Germany where the Global Village Space sported the headline “Most Muslim schoolchildren in German state place Islam above the law”.  The article begins: “The majority of Muslim schoolchildren in the German state of Lower Saxony view religious rules as more important than the law, a new study has found.”  But isn’t this what we Christians believe?  That God’s law is more important than the law of any country?

Of course, primarily we see God’s law as the law of love, guided by the principle of doing unto others as we would have them do unto us, but sometimes conflict with the law of the land may lead us to some specific action like conscientious objection of civil disobedience.  

How do we obey God and live in this world?  Find out more this Sunday!

The readings for this Sunday will be from 1 Samuel 3.1-10, 2 Corinthians 4:5-12, and Mark 2:23-3:6, and we will be singing the hymns All People that on Earth do Dwell; Amazing Grace; Break Thou the Bread of Life; and Great is Thy Faithfulness!

Use this link to join on Zoom on Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Meeting ID: 548 801 501

Video of Last Week’s Trinity Sunday Service!

Video of Last Sunday’s Service, including Danni’s Confirmation, is now available here!

Chiang Mai Pride 2024

Thirteen of us marched in the parade while others staffed the campervan stand at Thapae Gate.  It was hard work, but a wonderful day and great witness to the world of God’s love for all! 

All Ready for Pride to begin

Ready to Start

Marching Together

Happy Faces!

Two hours later – nearly at the end!

At the end at Thapae Gate

All the Crowd

And our spot!

Thursday Night at Duke’s

You are invited to join us at Duke’s Ruamchok this Thursday at 6 p.m.  This weekly gathering will move to Tuesday night next week instead of Chili Night.

Chili Night – No Chili Night until 16th July

This Tuesday was the last Chili Night for a while.  It will return on Tuesday 16th July!  Why now join us at Duke’s Ruamchok in the meantime?

Weekly Offering to All Saints

You can still donate in person or online.  Thank you for your support and love for All Saints and all we are trying to do together.  God has shown that he is mighty and we are in his hands!

God bless you,

Father Iain

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